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Abri - Developing a low carbon culture

Our climate is rapidly changing and undoing the adverse effects should have started a long time ago. We’re as clear as we’ve ever been about the need to act. But tackling climate change isn’t something we can do on our own, we need to bring others along for the journey too.

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Rose Bean, Abri.jpg
Rose Bean, Abri.jpg

Empowering our colleagues and customers to help drive environmental change is essential. We have to raise awareness of the individual and joint impact we have on the environment; finding better ways to incorporate sustainability into our everyday living.

To make a positive environmental difference, we need to educate ourselves and others in the best ways to reduce our contribution to the climate change emergency. When we’re working, living and thinking in a sustainable way that’s when we’ll really start to see positive change happen.

At Abri we’re all about creating thriving communities. This is about investing in neighbourhoods, and we’re building at least 10,000 new homes by 2030. This has to be done responsibly, with as little impact on the world around us as possible. And we have to get it right first time.

On the road to net zero

We’re on a mission to achieve net zero carbon by 2050, this means reducing the amount of carbon our business produces by reviewing the energy efficiency of our existing and future homes. We want everyone to have a better understanding of what part they can play to help us reach this important goal. Once our colleagues are clear on what changes they can make to reduce their own carbon footprint, we’ll be working with customers to make their homes greener, share how it can help minimise their energy bills and talk about the long-term rewards.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but we’re ready to begin our journey to reach net zero. We’ve partnered with world-class training provider, the Carbon Literacy Project (CLP), to support us in reducing Abri’s carbon footprint and help our organisation become carbon literate within two years. It’s the first, but essential, step. With our partners help, and people on board, we can achieve this.

CLP will equip us with the right knowledge and tools to implement a low carbon culture across the business. Recognised as a transformative action programme at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, CLP is globally unique and there is nothing quite like it anywhere else. With their support our very own in-house Climate Champions will train our colleagues, giving them the tools and knowledge to improve our impact on the environment.

Giving our colleagues the tools to make change

Whether colleagues are already familiar with sustainability or are just beginning their journey, the training they receive will be a safe environment for healthy debate while providing action plans that outline future steps to becoming carbon neutral at Abri. We’re fostering open conversation, while providing practical advice for how each one of us can protect and preserve our planet.

Our carbon academy doesn’t only offer an accreditation in carbon literacy, but it’ll help our people become more confident in making realistic and manageable changes to reduce their carbon footprint at work and at home. We’re also launching an app that will be available to colleagues to help them track their carbon footprint and suggest ways to reduce it.

These steps may seem small, but they’re essential. Every action taken is going to ensure we reach net zero carbon by 2050.

Rose Bean, director of asset management and regeneration, Abri

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